Supervision & Teaching
Md Rashad Al Hasan Rony
Fraunhofer IAIS Dresden
2019 – 2023
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, Twitter, GitHub , SDAElisa Margareth Sibarani
University of Bonn
2017 – 2022
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP, SDAAfshin Sadeghi
University of Bonn
2017 – 2022
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP, Twitter , SDA
Ricardo Usbeck
Fraunhofer IAIS Dresden
2019 – 2021
Profiles: GitHub, Twitter, SDAPhD Thesis: Knowledge Extraction for Hybrid Question Answering
Sahar Vahdati
University of Bonn
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDAPhD Thesis: Collaborative Integration, Publishing and Analysis of Distributed Scholarly Metadata
Mohamed Ahmed Sherif
University of Leipzig
2016 – 2018
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP, GitHub, Google+, SDAPhD Thesis: Automating Geospatial RDF Dataset Integration and Enrichment
Hajira Jabeen
Initially University of Leipzig und later University of Bonn
2015 – 2020
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP, SDAKuldeep Singh
Fraunhofer IAIS
2017 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDA
PhD Thesis: Towards Dynamic Composition of Question Answering PipelinesAmrapali J. Zaveri
University of Leipzig
Since 2015Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP
Rest in peace – you will not be forgotten
Mohnish Dubey
University of Bonn
2015 – 2021
Profiles: SDA
PhD Thesis: Towards Complex Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
Harsh Thakkar
University of Bonn
2017 – 2021
Profiles: LinkedIn Google Scholar DBLP Website SDA
PhD Thesis: On Supporting Interoperability between RDF and Property Graph Databases
Najmeh Mousavi Nejad
University of Bonn
2017 – 2021
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDA
PhD Thesis: Knowledge Extraction Methods for the Analysis of Contractual AgreementsSaid Fathalla
University of Bonn
2017 – 2021Profiles: Google Scholar, ResearchGate , SDA
PhD Thesis: Towards Facilitating Scholarly Communication using Semantic Technologies
Gezim Sejdiu
University of Bonn
2016 – 2020
Profiles: Homepage, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, GitHub, Research Gate, Twitter , SDA
PhD Thesis: Efficient Distributed In-Memory Processing of RDF Datasets
Hamid Zafar
University of Bonn
2017 – 2020
PhD Thesis: Semantic Question Answering Over Knowledge Graphs: Pitfalls and Pearls
Konrad Höffner
University of Leipzig
2012 – 2020
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP , ResearchGate , SDA
PhD Thesis: Question Answering on RDF Data Cubes
Diego Esteves
University of Leipzig
2015 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP, Research Gate, Twitter , SDA
PhD Thesis: Automating the Fact-Checking Task: Challenges and Directions
Diego Collarana
Fraunhofer IAIS
2017 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, DBLP , SDA
PhD Thesis: Strategies and Techniques for Federated Semantic Knowledge Retrieval and Integration
Michael Galkin
Fraunhofer IAIS
2017 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDA
PhD Thesis: Strategies for Managing Linked Enterprise Data
Sahar Vahdati
University of Bonn
2017 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDA
PhD Thesis: Collaborative Integration, Publishing and Analysis of Distributed Scholarly Metadata
Isaiah Onando Mulang
University of Bonn
2017 – 2021
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar , SDA
PhD Thesis: Knowledge Context for Entity and Relation LinkingMohamed Ahmed Sherif
University of Leipzig
2012 – 2016
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP, GitHub, Google+, SDAPhD Thesis: Automating Geospatial RDF Dataset Integration and Enrichment
Kuldeep Singh
Fraunhofer IAIS
2015 – 2019
Profiles: LinkedIn, Google Scholar, DBLP , SDAPhD Thesis: Towards Dynamic Composition of Question Answering Pipelines
Amrapali J. Zaveri
University of Leipzig
2010 – 2014
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLPPhD Thesis: Linked Data Quality Assessment and its Application to Societal ProgressMeasurement
Sebastian Hellmann
University of Leipzig
2010 – 2014
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLPPhD Thesis: Integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Language Resources Using Linked Data
Mohamed Morsey
University of Leipzig
2010 – 2013
Profiles: Google Scholar, DBLPPhD Thesis: Efficient Extraction and Query Benchmarking of Wikipedia Data
Current Teaching offers
Please have a look at our current selection of courses, labs and seminars if you are interested to join those.
Seminar Knowledge Graph Representation Learning at TU Dresden
Representation learning is a set of methods which allows finding suitable feature representations of input data to perform particular tasks. Such methods can be applied on textual data (e.g. via language models), images and structured data. The resulting features are usually called embeddings. In this seminar, we study representation learning methods for knowledge graphs.
The seminar will cover recent state-of-the-art research in knowledge graph representation learning (KGRL) such as:
- Preservation of relational and structural patterns of KGRL approaches
- Scalability to large knowledge graphs
- Inductive reasoning approaches
- KGRL for hyper-relational graphs
- Temporal knowledge graph support
- Multi-modal KGRL approaches
- Combinations of language models and KGRL
- Distillation methods
- Impact of different geometric spaces
- Bias in knowledge graph embeddings
- Support for rules & ontologies in KGRL approaches
Registration: To participate in the seminar, please register via Selma. You can find the list of topics in the slides of the seminar. If you want to select one of the topics, please contact me via mail.
Seminar Conversational AI at TU Dresden
This seminar provides an extensive exploration into the realm of Conversational AI, covering both technical and scientific perspectives as well as some ethical considerations. It delves into the intricate process of training models to understand and interpret human languages, answer questions, and make decisions based on a variety of data inputs. The seminar sessions examine the emerging capabilities and challenges in building general AI approaches, including different sources of information, emergent abilities of AI systems, reasoning techniques and responsible AI.
(image by Midjourney)
Registration: To participate in the seminar, please register via Selma and OPAL. You can find the list of topics in the slides of the seminar.
Knowledge Graph Analysis (lecture, exercises, seminar)
Yearly from 2016/2017 until 2018/2019
Master Thesis Seminar
each semester 2016 – 2022
Seminar on Model-Driven Software Engineering
Lab Distributed Big Data Analytics
Each semester, 2017 – 2020
Lecture , Seminar and Exercises Semantic Web
Yearly 2017/2018 (winter semester) until 2019/2020
Seminar and Lab Natural Language Processing
2017 – 2020
Project group Applied Software Technology (AST)
Lab Semantic Web
Yearly from 2018 until 2021
General Chair of the Computer Science Conference of University of Bonn students (CSCUBS)
A popular initiative to help students organize their own conference, 2019
Seminar Semantic Web services and interfaces
Research Seminar of the Department
2006 – 2010
Seminar Semantic Web applications
Seminar semantic support for software development processes
Seminar software product line management
Semantic Web lecture
2009 – 2011 (assistant) and 2012 – 2015 (lead)
Practical course Semantic Web
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014
Practical course software technology
Seminar Semantic Web
Invited lecture on ontology learning at the Reasoning Web Summer School 2010 in Dresden, Germany
Half day lecture at the Leipziger Semantic Web day 2011 on web technology and semantics
2 full lecture days (20 hours) in 2012 and 1.5 full lecture days (15 hours) in 2013 for the School of Media in Leipzig, Germany
2012 and 2013
4 invited lectures at the ICCL (International Center for Computational Logic) Summer School in 2013 on the Linked Data Life-Cycle